Welcome to your HWC Practice Test
How many days does fermentation take for Ligero?
When was the 'National Commission for the Promotion and Defense of the Habano Cigar' created?
How did the chiefs in the Island of Hispaniola named the tobacco plant?
What was the name given to a healer priest in Indo-American cultures?
How was smoking of tobacco persecuted by the Inquisition in medieval Europe?
For which reason did the native Americans use the tobacco leaves other than smoking?
Which date was the word tobacco officially acknowledged in Cuba?
What is the name of the filler from Ligero, Seco and Volado?
Where did the Europeans first saw tobacco plants?
From which place in Havana was the word Habano named after?
From whom did Pinar del Rio was named after?
How many days does the the leaves stay in the tobacco houses?
When was rolled tobacco first identified in Spain as Cigarro?
Which are the two principle varieties of leaves used by Habanos?
Which type of leaves are richer in nicotine?
For which Habanos brand are the leaves not grown in the western part of Cuba?
How many classifications does the Sun-Grown tobacco plant has?
How many leaves are picked each time during harvesting?
Which season is harvesting season for tobacco in Cuba?
How is called the process of stripping out the central vein from the leaf?